Till the age of 11, I often listened to appa and amma and went to the temple in the mornings or evenings during specific days (Tuesday, Friday).The specific days to visit the temple depends on your favourite diety (Ishta Devata). Certain days are meant for fasting for specific deities now. There was a Ganesha temple (Sree Vigneshwar Devasthan) close to my home and we often used to involve ourselves in the temple service activities. But often in our youth we start questioning whether going to the temple really helps us or not. Our intellect starts questioning that how is it beneficial to us by going to a temple. But since olden times all religions, traditions and countries have emphasized on visiting shrines, belief in a divine power - God. However in current times, its very important to keep our temples cool and calm and therefore visiting temples and meditating for sometime will be of great help. Nowadays a lot is being written about the temple architecture, vaastu shastras etc and how these ancient temples were built in order to experience the divine energy. Here is a small write up which caught my attention
THERE are many who question the need for so many temples in India. For a religion that says 'God is within us,' the natural question is — ''Then why should we go to temple and worship God?'' In a question and answer session with Sri Sri Ravishankar that was popularly circulated through email some years ago, he replied: ''There is air in the room. Yet we need a fan to go around and direct the air for our use.''
‘Aalayam Thozhuvadhu Saalavum Nandru,’ said the Tamil poet Avvaiyar. In these days of rationalist arguments against going to temples, this saying makes us wonder why such a reputed poet would have said this. It is good to just go to any temple and be in that energy atmosphere. The geometry of the temple, the position of the main and other deities, the geometric diagrams or yantras that are placed beneath the deity, the flowers and fruits that are offered in worship, the sounds or mantras that are chanted while worshipping, the mudras or symbols that the priest uses to worship, the folding of the hands in prayer and falling flat on the ground in a sashtanga namaskara posture — all go to help us merge into that universal energy field all the time one is consciously inside the temple and all the time one remembers with the mind. Energy is the primary need to help human beings perform all activities. This energy is abundant in nature. However, with increased industrialisation and modernisation, temples are the scientific structures in which this universal energy is harnessed and maintained through pujas done for four or six times a day.
Every man is the builder of a temple, called his body, to the god he worships, after a style purely his own, nor can he get off by hammering marble instead. We are all sculptors and painters, and our material is our own flesh and blood and bones.”
ReplyDeleteHenry David Thoreau quotes (American Essayist, Poet and Philosopher, 1817-1862)
Temples are sacred, both by pujas and visit of mahatmas from ancient times. The question of current generation going away from the set practices is a worrying fact. Every parent should be a role model and follow all the rules implicitly. A time will come when the children will pick up from elders. our culture needs to be nutured and protected. krishnan